Monday, August 16, 2004
Daniel MANIA

This belongs over at the Idol Liz I guess, but Daniel has impressed me so much he's going to be a regular 'fixture' here as well.
I mean...shit, where to start.
First of all - the Gabriel thing was fake. So let's forget him. Daniel Appreciation is real, and it's extreme.
I can't believe he got through though. I mean, his performance of Rock DJ was the single most embarrassing moment in Oz Idol history. I couldn't even watch. He got slaughtered for it. But he gets through? WELL DONE AUSTRALIA! And I mean that.
Reasons Daniel Is The Best Idol Contestant Ever:
- The tantrum last night
- When he was sitting next to Barry on the couch tonight and it was between the two of them, he just looked disgusted to be up against him. And I agree - Barry is wack.
- The whole time he was waiting in the 'top 4' you could just tell he was thinking 'Oh shit, I'm going to have to sing Rock DJ again'. Poor guy looked sick to his stomach
- 'Can I please not sing the song I sang last night?'
But he DID. And it was...good. I mean, the English accent was back, and so was the 'rapping', the context that he had actualy made it through by singing that, it was quite...,triumphant almost.
Anyway, I really liked Daniel before the Rock DJ Episode. And, even though it bombed worse than anything, his carry on afterwards was gold. I also love that it was like the judges were proved totally wrong, with him going through. And I'm shocked that the country has taken a tantrum-throwing, bad-rapping clasical singer to heart.