Sunday, August 22, 2004

Hmmm...I've just realised the post below is only going to increase the arrivals here for 'Missy Higgins MP3'. As is that. And it won't be able to stay up the top anyway. Perhaps it was a bit pointless.
Crystal: What the hell is it Stu?
Stu: I just wanted to say, I don't think I like Misdemeanor Higgins.
Crystal: Why not??
Stu:'s her name, isn't it? Misdemeanor.
Crystal: A misdemeanor isn't that serious though. It's not like her name is Felony Higgins...
Stu: I guess not. Still feel like I should arrest her or something though.
Crystal: The only law she's broken is the law against good music.
Stu: There's no law against good music.
Crystal: Well then she hasn't broken any laws. Has she?
Stu: Still think I should keep my eye on her.