The Gallagher Factor
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Get the Sitar

10. . . 9. . . 8. . .
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
A Look Back At - Kylie Minogue's Body Language

I think I'm going to have to change the side-bar, because this clearly 'slipped my mind' while I was doing it.

A lot of people have the WRONG opinion when it comes to this album. As a quick guide...

Right & Wrong Opinions to Have On 'Body Language':

Wrong: 'This album is shit'

Right: 'This album is awesome'

Thankfully Stu has the right opinion (and thus won't need to be punished), as he was pleased to hear that Kylie is 'creeping up on you like a freak in the fast lane' on one song. Be like Stu, and love it as well.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Lost on the back roads?
STILL no sign of Stu...
A Look Back At - Gareth Gates 'Go Your Own Way'

Boy, this is really turning into the classic albums series.

I can't read the title of this album without getting the Fleetwood Mac song stuck in my head, and singing You can go your own way!...go your own way. And that's just ONE great thing about it.

Another is that there are two cds - Double! Yes, it was a packaging move perhaps designed by WOMP himself. Whatever the case, whoever thought of it clearly knew that Double The CDs = Double The Entertainment.

CD1 was 'Night' and CD2 was 'Day'. Forever, we will be confused as to why the heck 'Sunshine' was included on disc one, the 'Night' side. One thing we will never be confused about though, was how great it is. Whether it's the Kumar's comedy stylings on 'Spirit In The Sky', the touching ballad 'Say It Isn't So' or the bonus track - 'Unchained Melody (Remix)' this album was hit, after hit, after HIT.

(In all serious, 'Skeletons' and 'Lies' were good tracks)
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Hayley Does Lulu

We're going for Hayley tonight, as she is banging out a bit of Lulu's 'To Sir With Love'. It's one of our favourite songs ever, and very appropriate for Hayley. They are, after all, the same person, as my brilliant paint-shopping would imply. No, they really are very similar...I don't think I fully 'captured' it.

Meanwhile, why not take a visit to the World's only Lulu fansite, created by myself, 3 years ago? (You're probably going to want to bookmark that).
Summer Lovin'

Neighbours writers have obviously cottoned onto the fact that we just can't get enough of the Summer's love interest storylines. Because they just.keep.coming.

I'd resigned myself to suffering through the 'Summer gets a crush on Jack' storyline, but then - a twist was 'thrown in'! When Jack muttered the eternal words:

'Too bad I'm her uncle now'

This was of course followed by 'Because she'll be a real looker in a couple of years', which meant that he was quite SERIOUS.

Ewwwww! And, bonza! That was certainly unexpected. I wonder where this storyline is going to go...
Saturday, September 18, 2004
A Look Back At - Hilary Duff's Metamorphosis
What better way to kick of the 'A Look Back At' series, but with an album by our Patron Saint of So Yesterday, Hilary Duff?

Let's start by looking at a review:

'An object lesson in fitting great songwriting into experimental production and genre play, this is also a record whose influence extends far beyond'

That was really a review of The Beatle's Revolver album, but I think it fits perfectly in this case too. I mean, Metamorphosis ticks all the boxes:
  • Great songwriting
  • Experimental production
  • Genre play
  • Influencial

    It also contains one of the greatest songs of all time, The Math, which is like Life Mechanics for mathematicians.

    'If you can't do the math, then get out of the it a minus or a plus...nothing adds up...'

    And what about the title? Appropriate or what? Hilary was literally 'metamorphosising' right in front of our eyes and ears with this album, as she left the Lizzie McGuire Show to record her debut masterpiece.

    Lastly - inspiration was the order of the day when this album was recorded. 'Just listen to you heart, and go baby go' Hilary ordered us, as she asked the world Why Not? On this album, she took a crazy chance, and she did a crazy dance.

    2003 - revisited!

    Who doesn't miss the great year 2003? I've personally been taking a visit back in time lately, listening to some of the music we loved last year.

    When I think of the great music of 2003, I think of:

    - Hilary Duff
    - Girls Aloud
    - Tatu
    - Dead Or Alive's Evolution CD
    - Liz Phair
    - American Life

    (Was Neon Nights out last year? I can't remember. That was good too though.)

    Anyway, point was - 2003 was excellent for some great obsessions. So, through a 'series' of upcoming posts, we are going to look back at some of the greatest albums and acts that set our engines racing all those months ago! Exciting? Yes!

    And fear not, because this is not just a simple trip down memory lane, or a look back through archives - this is an objective examination of the year 2003. You can expect:

  • The re-writing of history
  • New evaluations of the 'best' albums of last year
  • Many great 'blasts from the pasts'
  • Some surprises!

    So let's get going!

    PS. A very warm welcome as well, to the colour purple.
  • Friday, September 17, 2004
    I am SO sorry for the overwhelming shitness of this place lately. I don't know what's wrong...I just seem to have nothing to post, ever. I've realised today just how bad the situation has gotten, so I've been making some moves to fix the situation. I've been looking at other blogs for some good ideas to steal, and I've ALSO got some good ideas of my own!

    LATER TODAY - We'll be back in business!
    Sunday, September 12, 2004
    It's all part of The Masterplan (Part two)

    I'm tipping Marty to go tonight.

    If he does, then the plan is REALLY falling into place. And I'll be very frightened.
    Chart Attack!

    Congratulations Misdemeanor on debuting at number one!

    And well done also, to our favourite comedy artist Selwyn, on a fantastic #28 debut.
    Thursday, September 09, 2004
    Cameron Adam's Boomin' Review

    'Home grown bling king $elwyn went from chart frontline to human punchline in less than 12 months. Now, after a few years in the urban wilderness, he's resurfaced. On Boomin he funks things up but despite a great baseline there's no killer hook. The hater-baiting B-side Boomin and Bangin (which $elly wrote) is actually much better than the A-side. But we need to know: does $elly still have his lucrative Goldmark bling sponsership deal?'
    2.5 Dogs

    Ha, '$elly.' Excellent work Cameron.

    Misdemeanor Higgins was also the very proud recipient of 4 Dogs.

    Monday, September 06, 2004
    It's all part of The Masterplan

    I'm tipping Angie to go tonight.

    If she does then it will be BRILLIANT, as this was our exact plan.

    Edit: EXCELLENT.
    Sunday, September 05, 2004
    'And if I listen to, the Sound Of White...'
    RIGHT. Attention 'musicians'! - You can all stop trying right now. Because the perfect album has been made, and there's no use attempting to top it, ever.


    Stu says it's hitting top gear, I say it's a five dog classic, Cameron says it's her own album of very own personal wonderwalls and WOMP says it's double as good as anything he's ever heard before. It's shooting hoops, it's a touchdown, it goes to eleven, it travels down the road to success, and it's the BEST ALBUM EVER. Who knew? (WE DID, actually. Which is surprising.)

    Worst Song Ever?
    Geri Halliwell - Ryde It

    'He's getting jiggy with it, but all I want to do is vogue'? No, Geri.

    Plus, I'm so tired of these Can't Get You Out Of My Head 'pastiches'. As Stu would say, that car left the garage two years ago. Think of something new, please.
    Friday, September 03, 2004

    Well, I was wrong about that one. Radio is AWESOME.
    Thursday, September 02, 2004

    I really thought going in an 'electo' direction was going to be a good idea for Robbie Williams but I've just heard 'Radio' and it is quite terrible. Maybe it will grow on me, I guess, so I won't judge it too harshly. After all 'EVER' usually only means 'at this second in time' and there IS a '?' at the end.

    The video is on Rage tonight, incidentally. Maybe that will 'improve' it.

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