Saturday, September 18, 2004
A Look Back At - Hilary Duff's Metamorphosis
What better way to kick of the 'A Look Back At' series, but with an album by our Patron Saint of So Yesterday, Hilary Duff?
Let's start by looking at a review:
'An object lesson in fitting great songwriting into experimental production and genre play, this is also a record whose influence extends far beyond'
That was really a review of The Beatle's Revolver album, but I think it fits perfectly in this case too. I mean, Metamorphosis ticks all the boxes:

It also contains one of the greatest songs of all time, The Math, which is like Life Mechanics for mathematicians.
'If you can't do the math, then get out of the it a minus or a plus...nothing adds up...'
And what about the title? Appropriate or what? Hilary was literally 'metamorphosising' right in front of our eyes and ears with this album, as she left the Lizzie McGuire Show to record her debut masterpiece.
Lastly - inspiration was the order of the day when this album was recorded. 'Just listen to you heart, and go baby go' Hilary ordered us, as she asked the world Why Not? On this album, she took a crazy chance, and she did a crazy dance.